Thursday, October 31, 2019

Multiculturalism issues and economic-based solutions Essay

Multiculturalism issues and economic-based solutions - Essay Example It was expected that the global economic extension will bring stability and development in the local markets. But the result is entirely reverse and critics are viewing the globalization as another form of colonial imperialism. Political instability due to corrupt leaders, lack of proper infrastructure favorable to rich countries causes brain drain from less privileged countries. Immigration is the leading issue in rich countries who are reviewing their existing laws to make it difficult for inter-state migration. Also for those who have already migrated to one of the countries with better prospects, the hosts will have to initiate programs to adjust such individuals without disturbing the existing coherence in the society. Immigration is causing another issue of individual and organized racism against settlers. Educational, economical, social, and political racism has plagued the idea of equality in different communities across the globe. Goldring argues that civil forces and campai gns can bring a positive change through community rebuilding based upon justice, equality, freedom, tolerance, mutual respect, and basic human rights that guarantees one’s participation in the process of decision–making in social, economic and political life.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Apartheid government Essay Example for Free

The Apartheid government Essay The Apartheid government was able to remain in power for 50 years because it ensured that strong opposition was unable to grow against it and had the means to suppress it by force when necessary.  When a society feels that its demands are being met, and that state action during crises is in its interest, it will feel authoritarian regime to abide to Locke’s social contract (Spragens, 1997: 34 ) and thus have the right to rule, even without democracy (Levi, 1988; McGuire Olson, 1996 as cited in Ghandi Przeworski, 2007: 1281). An authoritarian regime requires a overwhelming monopoly of force( Ghandi Przeworski, 2007).. It is however when states fail to economically grow or resolve crises, that authoritarian regime does collapse. Once the regime can no longer provide for society, citizens lose obligation to follow its rule and the regime can face overthrow. This is also true if it lacks military capabilities to protect society and thus ensure stability( Ghandi Przeworski, 2007). Authoritarian regime is furthermore at risk of collapse when relative deprivation occurs in society (Breslin, Hague Harrop, 1992). Board opposition coalescence combines efforts aimed at a superior regime alternative. It delegitimises standing authoritarian regimes as does international dimension factors, seeing as when one’s surrounding nations democratise, one’s own society will wish to democratise too. The apartheid government’s authoritarian rule survived for 50 year because of the initial lack of afore mentioned challenges. Before the country was excluded from the international community, the apartheid regime had command over the economy and satisfied the demands of white citizens, thus securing their legitimacy. Its initial financial support from abroad and surrounding nations’ late liberalisation, also buffered it from facing overthrow. By ensuring Black’s poverty, illiteracy and discrimination, the Apartheid regime further ensured their survival. It crushed revolts from the oppressed Black majority through military force. It furthermore enforced Bantu education, providing Black kids with inferior schooling, and the colour bar, limiting job availability and salary due to one’s race.  Blacks’ focus was moulded to be that of making a living, at the expense of their vote for half a decade.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Deforestation Cause and Effects

Deforestation Cause and Effects Modern predictions and indicators paint a bleak outlook for the planet and unfortunately it is all due to human actions. Deforestation and the spread of barren, arid and useless land is increasing in pace and we are the only ones who can call it to a halt. The questions that need answering quickly before it is too late are how and when. When is obvious, unless we act immediately we will be too late, how is less clear but unless we find the answers soon then we could find ourselves left with nothing but a arid infertile desert of a planet and sooner than you might think. Perhaps we can blame the men who cut down or burn huge swathes of forest and watch the animals flee to die of starvation after their home and food supply has been destroyed, or those who profit from their actions. Only someone who was insane would do such a thing surely? You certainly wouldnt want to be associated with those that were involved in such wholesale destruction and slaughter and certainly wouldnt be involved yourself, right? Deforestation for Profit Forests contain many valuable natural resources and the land they cover is also valuable to an ever-increasing human population. People have been making use of these resources ever since we first appeared. Deforestation is a way of making a living, the timber can be sold, and the land can be used for growing crops or grazing herds or to provide land for homes and businesses. Why is this allowed to happen? Those people that are entrusted by us with the planet are those who are destroying it. Governments give permits and licenses to those who have the money to buy them they then strip the land and make their money. The governments are often poor and the land is more valuable to large corporations than used for conservation and tourism. But these governments are selling off the planets life support system and that cannot continue. We may be frustrated in the face of such insurmountable obstacles but we can challenge these large corporations by refusing to buy their products and lobby governments to protect forested areas. If enough people say no then they will be forced to act. The planet has been entrusted to all of us and it is up to us to save it even now at the 11th hour it isnt too late. Even small actions if done by enough people add up to a massive effect. Reversing Deforestation Nature on the whole is resilient and bounces back extremely fast if given the chance. However forests are slow to re grow and mature. Once the soil has been eroded it could take centuries for it to build up again and start supporting anywhere near the diversity of life it once did. Millions of species have been wiped out never to be seen again in fact most were never seen by human eyes before being driven to extinction. This does not mean we should not try to protect and restore these amazing and diverse habitats, which do so much for us and ask only to be left to exist in return. What is Deforestation? In recent times, mankind has felt the wrath of nature. More and more natural disasters are taking place due to human induced climate change. This has lead to an increasing awareness of our impact on the planet we call home and its natural resources. Forests are some of our most abused habitats due to the fact that wood is a raw material with a wide range of uses and fill virtually al of our basic needs particularly food, fuel and shelter. Another important influencing factor for deforestation is the need for more land, so forests are cleared to make way for industrial development, housing or agriculture (either livestock or crops) or even a dump. By Definition Deforestation is the clearing or removal of trees from an area of woodland or forest for many differing reason usually commercial. Deforestation usually doesnt apply to cases where the trees are replaced, usually as saplings, in the same or alternative location in order to replace those that were cut down. Also usually refers to large scale clearing of whole areas rather than limited or selective clearing. Man has cut down trees since we first appeared, changing and adapting the environment to suit our needs in order to provide the things we require to live successfully. For kindling, shelter, weapons and in more modern times paper, furniture and housing. Thousands upon thousands of acres of forest have disappeared worldwide to fill our insatiable appetite for wood and land, yet they also have to meet the demands of the vast majority of the worlds other species both plant and animal. Raising Consciousness Humans are roused to action when an issue directly affects them. This is undoubtedly the reason people are more aware than ever of the effects of deforestation as more and more people become affected by climate change and extreme weather events. It is these effects that are the most effective way of showing people the benefits forests provide and why it is so vital the little we have left be protected at all costs. The depletion of the forests has a number of detrimental effects on the environment and climate. There are two main thrusts to this argument. The first is the environmental services that forests provide such as maintaining our atmosphere and slowing global warming and protecting us from floods. The second is the need to ensure a reliable and sustainable supply of natural resources. I.e. if they are being used and managed properly and ensuring reforestation occurs. First the environmental benefits forests help maintain the balance of gases in the atmosphere particularly oxygen and carbon dioxide. The trees ability to take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and trap it is our most important weapon in the battle against climate change. Cutting down and burning trees releases the green house gas back into the atmosphere worsening the problem. It is these green house gases that are causing global warming and extreme weather events. In many cases the timber is simply burned to clear the land quickly which is the worst possible thing to do especially when it could be put to good use providing for those who might be in need of it. Finally woodland traps water and act as sponges when water levels are high reducing the chances of flooding. Why does Deforestation Happen? We are now learning the consequences of trying to battle against nature, yet change is slow and we are still abusing the natural world. With our knowledge we should be doing all we can to stop further deforestation so why does deforestation continue despite the harm we know it does to the environment and thus ourselves? The answers are not straightforward but undoubtedly lie with us and our desperate need for the resources the forest provides. The needs of a massive human population have to be met daily putting the natural world under enormous pressure. We constantly look for new ways to get what we need faster and more efficiently. But the more efficiently we exploit nature the quicker natural resources are used up and disappear. This leads to new ways of getting what we need or finding new resources to exploit depleting the natural world even faster, its a vicious cycle that leads to the devastation of our beautiful planet. The Global Man Made Phenomenon Man has been clearing woodland since ancient times but it is recently in the last century that the worlds forests and rainforests have been dramatically reduced shrinking in size year on year at an ever more furious pace. Until fairly recently there was little real opposition from the public or government as the seemed to be no real viable alternatives and so it continues to this day. Land is a finite commodity in a world with an ever-growing human population. Developed land is worth far more than forest so the forest is clear to make way for large-scale development and agriculture. Wood is unfortunately worth nothing standing growing in a forest but far more as a piece of paper, furniture or even a house. Profit driven by the high demand for these resources is the reason these forests are disappearing. There are many resources which can be gathered from the forest such as food and medicines though the main product is wood which has a wide variety of uses from paper to a building material and even as a fuel. With lumber having such a number of uses and a strong demand then it should have a strong impact on economic growth. But forest values are actually falling, a surprising trend given that forests are fast disappearing and mans propensity towards exploiting limited resources for profit. Why Does Deforestation Result in Devastation? Experts dont see deforestation as an all-bad thing as long as it is done in an environmentally sensitive and sustainable way. It is a matter of careful controlling how and where you clear areas of forest. A small area of clearing provides opportunities for opportunistic species and is quickly recolonized and breaks in the canopy quickly filled. Large areas take longer to recolonise and separate areas of forest previously joined. They also allow the wind and rain to erode the soil making recolonization by forest plants much harder. Rain forests typically have very thin soil which is held in place by the roots of the giant trees and with out which quickly disappears. Wildlife that lives in the forest cannot survive in the open and so has to retreat with the forest or if it cannot die. Under the canopy is a moist dank warm environment as the plants trap the heat and moisture from escaping, without these very specific conditions, which exist in few other places many species are unable to survive. So who is the culprit? You we all play a part in deforestation to a lesser or greater degree though the choices we make when shopping daily. We cant point the blame solely on governments and big corporations though they certainly play a big part but it is our willingness to block out the knowledge of where the things we buy come from and how they are produced that means they can carry on destroying the earth and it is unlikely to stop until we make it with our consumer choices. Effects of Deforestation Humans have always and probably always will depended on forests to a lesser or greater degree. Trees provide food, shelter from the elements and predators not just to humans but the vast majority of life on land. Unfortunately the forests resources and appeal is its downfall. Deforestation is probably one of the greatest challenges we face. We need the forests to maintain the atmosphere alongside the burning of fossil fuels our destruction of the forests is a major contributory factor to the rising levels of carbon dioxide and global warming, the effects of which we are only now beginning to feel. Large-scale deforestation for agricultural and industrial purposes transforms rich and diverse habitat in barren arid land. The resources are quickly repeated and another massive are of forest has to be destroyed to provide yet more. The damage to the land and soil has been done and little can grow on these areas once they have been finished with. Deforestation needs to be stopped before we end up with a planet that is little more than an arid wasteland incapable of supporting life. Effects of Deforestation on the Environment Rainforests are the richest and most diverse areas on the planet and are home to the vast majority of the worlds species, many yet to be seen or classified by science. Any one can wander into a rainforest and will fairly quickly discover a new species. This biodiversity took many millions of years to evolve and can be destroyed with the swipe of a powerful saw. There is no possibility of getting back the estimated 50,000 species that go extinct every year a that is increasing. The chance to explore this forest world is disappearing fast and wont come again once its gone, a chance future generations wont thank us for denying them. Not only are countless species being lost but also the chance to increase or knowledge of the world, chemicals and medicines unknown to science are out waiting to be discovered. The preservation of the rainforest also means the chance to explore these opportunities and make new discoveries and advance human knowledge. Effects of Deforestation on Society The indigenous people, whose home and way of life is turned upside down by the arrival of the lumber lorries, will feel much of the effects of deforestation. They survive by living in harmony with the forest and its inhabitants but are often forced to leave or change their way of living in order to survive. This displacement of people and the consequent loss of that culture makes the human race a little poorer. Those that live on the edges of the forest are also affected, as they can no longer gather resources from it for themselves. These people are unused to living in towns and cities a totally alien culture and are unlikely to have the money, skills or education to make a decent living having learned to live off the land. Nature cannot be completely replaced by our own efforts even after all our recent advances in technology she does it better than us. Nature serves us in far better ways than the best designed structures and industry, yet we treat her with nothing but contempt and unless we stop the consequences will be dire. Deforestation and Climate Change Throughout history forests have spread and retreated as the environment changed now they are fast disappearing. They shelter the vast majority of land animals and hold most of the land biodiversity. These beautiful and complex ecosystems are essential to the environment and help to regulate the atmosphere. Hence deforestation and climate change are closely connected and have the ability to control one another. Unfortunately the forests, which should be our first line of defense against rising carbon dioxide levels, are vanishing rapidly. 80% of our previously forested areas are gone drastically reducing the planets ability to absorb carbon dioxide and contributing to the high levels of the green house gas by releasing it after being cut down making the situation worse. The fact that deforestation can further affect the atmosphere should stir us into action to prevent any further reduction in the worlds forests. We will just be adding to the devastating effects of climate change if we dont take action to stop further deforestation. Major Carbon Storehouses It has become increasingly apparent that forests play a vital role in climate control by storing carbon and water and recycling it. It is a fact that the destruction of green areas is a contributory factor in climate change and eliminates their ability to regulate the climate. It has been estimate the 18% of all carbon emissions come from deforestation and we are effectively turning our prize weapon against global warming against ourselves instead. Mature forests are the largest stores of carbon dioxide though all plants store carbon. Other stores include the soil, vegetation frozen underneath the arctic permafrost even the algae in the sea. The world largest forests such as the Amazon represent our largest carbon stores, its destruction would undoubted lead to quick and devastating climate change. Carbon is released from plant life through burning and natural decay. Burning releases the carbon much faster and more efficiently than natural decay or rotting. If left to nature plants will rot slowly especially large trees and the carbon is often buried and the carbon trapped below ground where it slowly fossilizes to produce various compounds depending upon the conditions ranging from diamonds to fossil fuels over many millennia. This whole process traps the carbon and prevents it entering the atmosphere. Deforestation prevents this natural process from taking pace. Climate Change A combination of deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels releasing much larger amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than would occur naturally whilst simultaneously disabling the planets ability to absorb and cope with this influx in green house gases has lead to the current climate changes and noticeable global warming. The main effects of climate change have been a rise in temperature throughout the year leading to widespread environmental change species moving their ranges further north to follow the increase in temperature. Melting of the polar ice caps leads to a reduction in range for polar species. A consequent rise in sea levels leads to flooding of low lying land. More violent and extreme weather systems lead to the devastation of affected areas and causing huge loss of life. This isnt a prediction of what will happen in the future its happening now and maybe irreversible already. So now an immediate damage limitation exercise need to take place to ensure the climate doesnt get out of control this has to involve the protection and restoration of the worlds forests. Effects of deforestation. Retrieved Feb 15, 2010, from

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Personification of an Educator Essay -- Education Teaching Teacher

The Personification of an Educator In modern society, a high-quality education is imperative to the well being of those within that society. An essential part of a high-quality education is the function of the teacher in the classroom. How a teacher functions within a classroom determines how students learn, what students learn, and how they apply that which they have learned. Therefore, because I am seeking a profession in the field of education, I think I must consider the nature of students, the nature of knowledge, the value of an education, the techniques that I will be using in my classroom, the curriculum, and my future goals as an educator because by doing so I improve my abilities and performance as an educator. First, as a future educator I must consider the nature of my future students. Contrary to some historical beliefs I do not believe that children are born evil; rather, I believe that children are born good with a curiosity and a desire to learn and interact with the world around them. I think students can learn and will learn if given the opportunity. Furthermore, as a future instructor, I must consider the nature of knowledge. It is my opinion that the nature of knowledge is relatively constructed and dependent upon person, place, and time. The nature of knowledge is proportional because the information we acquire and retain is dependent largely upon the individual instructing, the environment in which we are being taught, whether it be too hot or too cold, and the time in which we are taught whether we are sick, hungry, etc. Contrary to absolutism, extenuating circumstances must be taken into consideration when evaluating the nature of knowledge. Followi... ...sion, because an education is so fundamental in today’s’ society, as a future educator it is my goal to provide my students with an optimal level of education. I desire to be the personification of an educator. In order to be the best that I can be I think I must consider the nature of students, the nature of knowledge, the significance of an education, the various techniques I will use in my classroom, and the curriculum that will be taught. I also believe that I must consider my own educational goals. Upon consideration of these various things, I enhance my knowledge of my students, my career, the world, and myself. After all, by doing so I increase my overall potential academically, socially, and most importantly professionally. Becoming a teacher has been my life long dream; therefore, I desire to become the most excellent teacher that I can achievable be.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Academic Performance of College Students

Academic performance and advisement of university students: a case study. Ads by Google Online University Online University programs 100% Online, 100% Supported! WaldenUniversity. com Subject: Academic achievement (Analysis) College students (Case studies) Student guidance services (Analysis) Authors: Addus, Abdussalam A. Chen, David Khan, Anwar S. Pub Date: 06/01/2007 Publication: Name:  College  Student  Journal Publisher:  Project  Innovation  (Alabama) Audience:  Academic Format:  Magazine/Journal Subject:  Education Copyright:  COPYRIGHT  2007  Project  Innovation  (Alabama) ISSN:  0146-3934 Issue:Date:  June, 2007 Source Volume:  41 Source Issue:  2 Topic: Canadian  Subject  Form:  School counselling Product: Product  Code:  E197500 Students, College Geographic: Geographic  Scope:  North Carolina Geographic  Code:  1U5NC North Carolina Ads by Google Chevening English Test Sit Your PTE Academic Test Now Easy Sign Up & Results In 5 Days! Pearsonpte. com/Chevening Become a Doctor in the US Study at Offshore Campus, Practise Medicine in the U. S. Apply Today! www. AUAMed. org Harvest West Christian Leadership Training Certificate, Diploma and Degree www. harvestwest. edu. au Online MBA Course at LSBF UK Global MBA degree, 100% online.Choose MBA specialisation now! www. LSBF. org. uk/MBA-Online Learn Financial Modeling Step-by-Step, Self Study & Classes Buld DCF, LBO, M&A, Comps Models www. WallStreetPrep. com Accession Number: 163679000 Full Text: The lack of adequate background and/or preparation, among other things, causes many students to withdraw from college or to graduate with low grades, which often makes it difficult for them to obtain suitable jobs. This paper examines the academic performance and efforts to seek assistance for academic and related problems of undergraduate students at North Carolina A&T State University.To that effect, the grade reports of business and economics majors and respon ses to a survey of students enrolled in business and economics courses were qualitatively analyzed. The results of the analyses indicated that many students experienced academic deficiency and did not seek assistance when faced with problems. The results also revealed that many of the students who sought assistance rated the services they received as ineffective and indicated their preference for school-level advisement services.The development of a school-specific academic monitoring and advisement center would alleviate these problems. Such a center, with a comprehensive and extended advisement and counseling program, will be more effective than university-wide services in improving student academic performance and marketability upon graduation. ********** Teaching, research and service are usually used as a yardstick to measure faculty contributions to higher education institutions. Major universities have long stressed the importance of research activities relative to teaching.O ver the last two decades, many of smaller teaching institutions, including the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) where research activities were recognized only to the extent that they would keep educators and the knowledge they transmit to students current, have been under pressure to acquire external funds for scholarships, faculty development, and meeting accreditation standards (Fielding 1985). As these institutions, particularly the HBCUs, placed more emphasis on faculty research productivity, they are faced with the challenge of striking a balance between teaching and research activities.Nevertheless, most colleges and universities recognize that teaching is the ultimate goal of their institutions (Wiley 1993). The main factors considered for improving teaching effectiveness among other things, include teaching approaches and techniques and faculty availability for student assistance and advisement. However, students in higher education institutions must be m otivated and committed to make reasonable efforts toward handling various activities, such as reading, written assignments, class discussion, presentation and examinations, effectively.Accordingly, the students' commitment to attain a good education, their study habits and cooperation, their motivation and efforts to seek assistance, when needed, are equally critical for learning. Thus, since the provision and consumption of education service occur simultaneously, the students' active participation in the process is a necessary condition to transform teaching to effective learning (Norales and Addus 2003). This paper assesses the academic performance and efforts of undergraduate students to seek assistance for academic and related problems at North Carolina A&T State.The paper (1) examines the academic performance and deficiencies of the students in terms of their overall grade point averages; (2) identifies the relative magnitude of student academic and related problems from freshm an to senior classifications; (3) presents student evaluation of the effectiveness of advisement and counseling services available to students; and (4) recommends the development of a school-specific academic monitoring and advisement center to improve student academic performance and marketability upon graduation.Methods and Instrumentation The 1998 grade point averages (GPAs) of undergraduate business and economics majors were used to determine the levels of student academic performance and deficiencies, with the application of chi-square statistic test to the relevant data. The student grade reports (the most recent data available) were obtained from the North Carolina A&T State University's School of Business and Economics. In addition, data from students were collected through a student survey of 2002.The sample for the student advisement and counseling effectiveness questionnaire consisted of students enrolled in business and economics courses at North Carolina A State Univers ity. The questionnaire items were designed to elicit responses from students to determine the magnitude of student academic and related problems, efforts to seek assistance to solve their problems, evaluation of effectiveness assistance they received, and preference for the location of advising and monitoring services within the University.The results of this study can be used as a source of data that can provide information on the curriculum effectiveness at North Carolina A State and other universities. Such data can assist educators in curriculum planning and development so that they can better meet the needs of students. Student Academic Performance and Survey Results The results of this study are based on the examination of the School of Business and Economics student GPAs and the student advisement and counseling survey of students enrolled in business and economics courses at North Carolina A State University.The results are centered around (1) the student academic performanc e levels and deficiencies; (2) the magnitude of student academic and related problems; (3) the students efforts to seek assistance to solve problems; (4) the student evaluation of effectiveness assistance received; and (5) the student preference for the location of advising and monitoring services. The following are the findings of the study based on student grade point averages and student advisement and counseling services questionnaire responses. Student Academic performanceThe school of Business and Economics at North Carolina A State University consists of accounting, business administration, business education and economics and transportation/logistics departments. The distributions of grade point average of students enrolled in the School during the 1998 fall semester are presented in Table 1. For the data in the Table, the chi-square test statistic is significant. This indicates that grade distributions by classification are statistically different. Generally, the number of students with low grade point averages decreased from freshman to senior classifications.In other words, more freshmen maintained lower grades relative to seniors, and more seniors maintained higher grade point averages than freshmen. More specifically, the data indicates that, in the School of Business and Economics, 55% of freshman, 14% of sophomore, 16% of junior, and 6% of senior students maintained below 2. 00 grade point averages. The decline in the proportion of students with lower grades from the freshman to senior levels is an indication of either grade improvements, transfer from one program to another or withdrawal and/or suspension/dismissal from the university.In their senior year, 41% of students maintained a GPA of below 2. 50, 23% below 2. 25, and 6% below 2. 00. For all classifications, 53% of students maintained a GPA of below 2. 50, 39% below 2. 25, and 26% below 2. 00. The School of Business and Economics cannot afford to ignore 23% students who may graduate with a GPA of lower than 2. 25 and 41% below 2. 50, only to find it difficult to find professional jobs of their choice in their respective fields.Apparently, students need to be monitored, encouraged and assisted to play an active role in their pursuit to achieve their education and career objectives. Student Survey Results Of some 206 students who responded to the survey, 52% were female and 48% were male students. By classification, 10% were freshmen, 30% sophomore, 37% junior and 23% senior students. In terms of general fields of study, 68% majored in business and economics and 32% in other areas, including arts and sciences, education and engineering (Table 2).These figures suggest that the survey represents a balanced coverage on gender, student classification, and various fields of study. Magnitude of Student Academic and Related Problems: Of 154 who sought assistance, 52% were female and 48% were male students. By classification, 9% were freshmen, 30% sophomore, 37% junior and 2 5% were senior students (Table 3). The data in the Table is indicative of the fact that the number of problems faced by students generally declined from freshman to senior year of their study.Of 52 students who did not seek assistance, 52% were female and 48% were male students. By classification, 17% were freshmen, 30% junior, 37% sophomore and 19% senior students. A total of 56% who did not seek help were junior and senior students. The reasons indicated for not seeking assistance are that 19% did not have any problems, 17% did not have time to seek assistance, 19% did not know the availability of assistance, 14% did not believe such assistance would be useful, and 15% indicated a combination of the above factors (Table 4).Student Efforts to Seek Assistance: Out of 206 students who sought assistance, 60% consulted with their academic advisors and 30% with course instructors or respective departments. Only 4% indicated to have sought assistance with the University Center for Succes s (Table 5). Student Evaluation of Assistance Effectiveness: Of 154 students who sought help, 72% indicated that the assistance they were offered was effective resulting in grade improvements, enhanced self-confidence, remaining in major for the better, and changing major for the better.However, 28% indicated that the assistance they received was not effective at all (Table 6). Student Preference for Advising and Monitoring Services: Of 206 survey respondents, 147 (71%) indicated their preference for student monitoring and counseling services at school/college level (as opposed to counseling at the university level); and 92% indicated that they would seek assistance more often if such services were available at school/college level (Table 7).The Case for Academic Monitoring and Advising Center The findings of this study reveal that relatively low grades and high failure rates were maintained by upper level undergraduate students with the possibility of marketability problems. The fi ndings further show that 28% of survey respondents said the assistance services they received were not effective. Another 28% of the respondents, of which 56% were juniors and seniors, did not seek help to resolve their academic and related problems.In addition, 71% of respondents indicated their preference for a school-level assistance services, and the overwhelming majority (92%) said they would seek help more often if such services were available at the school level. It follows that a school-specific academic monitoring and advisement center (AMAC), with a comprehensive agenda for student advisement and counseling, will be effective in improving student academic performance and marketability.The need for the AMAC is underscored by other studies. The main problems affecting student academic performance include inadequate background, working long hours, lack of time to study and seek advice, lack of time management skills, bad study habits and skills, and lack of self-confidence. M any students are also faced with various impediments in their pursuit of higher education and career objectives, including financial problems, family responsibilities, and social and extracurricular activities.Some of these activities do not only take away from the time needed for sleeping, attending class and studying, but they also cause considerable stress resulting in negative effects on academic performance as measured in terms of GPA (Womble 2001). The results of a survey of 239 university students enrolled in business and economics courses at North Carolina A State University indicated that most students did not have sufficient time to read the textbook and study, and that their absence from class was work related.The majority (56 %) of the students stated that they could not take lecture notes while listening, and 29 % said they could not understand the lecture (Norales and Addus 2003). Kelly et al (2001) classified college students into short sleepers (individuals who slept six or fewer hours a day), average sleepers (individuals with seven or hours of sleep a day), and long sleepers (individuals sleeping nine or more hours a day). They found that the individuals who represented long sleepers reported higher GPAs than the first two groups.Many students are admitted to a university as a result of their performance in examinations that do not demand the same preparation levels required to succeed in higher education. Thus, one of the main factors affecting the academic performance of college and university students is the lack of adequate preparation skills (Beswick and Ramsden 1987). Entwistle et al (1989) studied the academic performance of electrical engineering students and found that low course grades were associated with inadequate study skills, and that many students had not established adequate independent study strategies required to succeed in higher education.Eikeland & Manger (1992) looked into factors affecting student achievement, especial ly those factors related to high failure and dropout rates. The findings showed that organized study habits had a positive impact on self confidence during the students' first semester, but such study habits did not have a direct effect on grades until as late as their fourth semester in college. In a survey of close to 350,000 students attending four-year public and private colleges, over 70 items related to the students' educational experiences on the survey instrument were grouped into 12 factors. 1) The survey results indicated that out of these factors, public college/university students rated academic advising as the most important aspect of their educational experiences. Private college/university students rated academic advising second to only instructional effectiveness in importance. When students were asked to rate five items (2) comprised academic advising, both public and private college/university students rated the academic advisor's approachability and the academic a dvisor's knowledge about major requirements as strengths–meaning most important and most satisfying (Noel-Levitz 2003).In general, the success or failure in higher education are not explained by the student attributes or faculty teaching efficiency in isolation, but by the complex interactions between students and the learning environments they experience (Entwistle 1990). Thus, students are in need of comprehensive advisement, counseling and support services including time management, stress management, efficient study style, habits and skills, reading, writing, and lecture note taking skills, and other support services.These must help students enhance their capacity to master the relevant subject, self confidence, verbal and written communication, academic performance, and to be competitive and productive members of the community. Academic Monitoring and Advising Center The findings of this study, along with the discussion of relevant literature, suggest that a school-speci fic AMAC, with a comprehensive agenda for student advisement and counseling, will be effective in improving student academic performance and marketability.The primary purpose of the AMAC is to enhance student academic performance and produce marketable graduates by providing extended assistance and guidance to students in academic activities and related areas. At North Carolina A State University there are university-wide student support services, including the Center for Student Success (which is focused on student retention) and school-level academic assistant services. In addition, there are programs which are designed to mentor students with high academic standing, in collaboration with potential employers, to prepare them for the real world work environment upon graduation.However, many students who for various reasons fail to perform to their potential levels deserve to be uplifted through a similar program provided by the AMAC. Compared with university-wide academic counselin g services available for students, the AMAC will be more effective for needy students can be given individual and unique attention suited to their specific needs by their respective schools. In addition to regular advisement provided by academic advisors, the AMAC will provide counseling services for students who fail to reach a minimum GPA of 2. 0 during each semester. To start with, such students will be able to discuss issues regarding specific courses and their course loads with an advisor from the AMAC, and receive advice on how to successfully manage their time and handle their course loads. Also, the AMAC if necessary, can suggest changes in course, course loads and schedule to help the students balance their time between school and work. As mentioned above, one of the biggest problems that many students have is lack of time and time management skills.If this problem is solved early, students will be able to maintain a more marketable GPA. The AMAC will continuously monitor s tudents and evaluate their grades throughout each semester to insure that these students continue to do well in the school, and graduate within a reasonable period of time. Students who need assistance must be identified at the appropriate time and be given intensive advice and counseling. It will maintain a data base for all students in the School of Business and Economics with an overall GPA of 2. 0 or less. The data can be collected from student applications, academic records, and surveys (Seidman, 1996). The AMAC will coordinate its activities with university programs designed to provide remedial services to students with deficient backgrounds. It will refer students to other departments and and University support services for problems outside its responsibilities. Such intensive intervention will likely help not only improve academic performance, but also retain students and enable them to graduate with decent grades.Student participation in the AMAC's program shall enhance the ir capabilities to improve their academic standing through sound advice and counseling which will positively influence their attitude toward learning and grades, time management skills and study habits. The AMAC will further facilitate development of university policies and programs designed to overcome academic deficiencies and encourage students to stay in school and achieve their academic and career objectives.Conclusions Academic advising is a very important aspect of students' educational experiences in higher education. In order to enhance teaching and learning effectiveness, higher education institutions must listen to their students unique needs and priorities by assessing assistance services available to students. The results of such assessments can be used to develop targeted action plans for serving specific student population.The results of the analyses of data obtained from the School of Business and Economics grade reports and a survey of students enrolled in business and economics courses at North Carolina A State University, along with other relevant literature, imply that many college students need a school-specific academic monitoring and advisement services at an early stage of their college career. It is apparent that it becomes difficult, if not impossible, for junior and senior students to make meaningful grade improvements due to the short span of time available to them during their last years of study before graduation.This may pose a serious marketability problem for some of the graduates of these programs with low grades. In the real world of ever increasing globalization and more competitive job market environments, college students need to acquire higher skills and GPAs. The proposed AMAC is certainly a first step to guide needy students in this direction. References Beswick, D. and Ramsden, P, (1987). How to Promote Learning with Understanding. Working Paper 87:1. Melbourne: Center for the Study of Higher Education, University of M elbourne. Eikeland, O. J. and Manger, T. (1992).Why Students Fail During Their First University Semesters. International Review of Education 38(5), 489-503. Entwistle, N. J. (1990). How Students Learn and Why They Fail. Paper Presented at Conference on Talent and Teaching, University of Bergen. Entwistle, N. J. , Hoursell, D. , Macaulay, C. , Situnayake, G. and Tait, H. (1989). Success and Failure in Electrical Engineering Courses in Scotland. Summary of a Report to the SED. Edinburgh: Department of Education and Center for Teaching, Learning and Assessment. University of Edinburgh. Fielding, G. J. (1985). Transportation Education, Part Two.Report of Joint Conference, Eno Foundation Board of Directors and Board of Consultants. Transportation Quarterly, 39(2), 207-233. Kelly, W. E. , Kelly, K. E. and Clanton, R. C. (others) (2001). â€Å"The Relationship between Sleep length and Grade-Point-Average among College Students,† College Student Journal. Noel-Levitz Research (2003). â€Å"Academic Advising Highly Important to Students,† www. noellevitz. com. Norales, Francisca O. and Addus, Abdussalam A. (2003). â€Å"University Students' Learning Efforts,† Texas Business and Technology Educators Association Journal, Vol.VII, No. 1. Seidman, A. (1996). Retention revisited: R = E, ID + E & In, Iv. Journal of College Student Retention. 71(4), 18-20. Wiley, III, Ed (1993). Re-Emphasizing Teaching. Black Issues in Higher Education. Womble, Laura P (2001). â€Å"The Impact of Stress Factors on College Students' Academic Performance,† Working Paper, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, N. C. ABDUSSALAM A. ADDUS Associate Professor DAVID CHEN Associate Professor ANWAR S. KHAN Professor Emeritus Department of Economics and Transportation/Logistics North Carolina A State University Notes 1) the factors are: academic advising, campus climate, campus Life, campus Support Services, concern for the Individual, instructional Effectiveness, recruitmen t and financial aid effectiveness, registration effectiveness, responsiveness to diverse population, safety and security, service excellence, and student centeredness. (2) the items are: the academic advisor's approachability, the academic advisor's knowledge about major requirements, the academic advisor's concern about the student's success as an individual, the academic advisor's assistance to set goals and work toward, and the clearness and reasonableness of major requirements.Table 1 Grade Distribution of Students in the School of Business and Economics by Classification, Fall 1998 Grade Range Classification Freshman Sophomore Junior No. % No. % No. % 3. 50-4. 00 20 6 46 19 20 10 3. 00-3. 49 26 7 44 18 32 16 2. 50-2. 99 45 13 62 25 45 23 2. 25-2. 49 33 9 33 13 33 17 2. 00-2. 24 37 10 28 11 34 18 Below 2. 00 200 55 35 14 31 16Total 361 100 248 100 195 100 Chi-square: 278. 38 * Grade Range Classification Senior All No. % No. % 3. 50-4. 00 18 7 104 10 3. 00-3. 49 42 17 144 13 2. 5 0-2. 99 90 35 242 24 2. 25-2. 49 47 18 146 14 2. 00-2. 24 44 17 143 13 Below 2. 00 14 6 280 26 Total 255 100 1059 100 Chi-square: 278. 38 * Note: * Statistically significant at 5 percent probability level.Source: School of Business and Economics, NC A&T State University. Table 2 Profile of Survey Respondents Item Frequency Percent Gender (n = 206): Male 99 48. 1 Female 107 51. 9 Classification (n = 206): Freshman 21 10. 2 Sophomore 61 29. 6 Junior 77 37. 4 Senior 47 22. 8 Major Area Unit (n = 206): Business and Economics 140 68. 0 Other Areas * 66 32. * Include Arts and Science, Education, and Engineering. Table 3 Distribution of Number Problems for Students who Sought Assistance * (n = 154) Classification Number of Problems and Gender One Two Three Four Five Six Total Plus Classification: Freshman 4 1 3 2 1 2 13 Sophomore 16 4 7 9 8 2 46 Junior 14 14 12 6 4 7 57 Senior 6 7 14 7 3 1 38Total 40 26 36 24 16 12 154 Gender: Male 19 15 15 11 8 6 74 Female 21 13 19 13 8 6 80 Total 40 26 3 6 24 16 12 154 * Problems include adding/dropping courses, choosing major, changing major, improving grades, time management, internship opportunities, personal problems which affect academic performance. Table 4 Distribution of students who did not Seek Assistance (n = 52) frequency Percent of Total Classification:Freshman 9 17. 3 Sophomore 14 29. 9 Junior 19 36. 5 Senior 10 19. 3 Total 52 100. 0 Gender: Male 25 48. 1 Female 27 51. 9 Total 52 100. 0 Reason for not Seeking: Did not have problems 10 19. Did not have time 9 17. 3 Did not know availability of assistance 10 19. 2 Did not believe it is useful 7 13. 5 Combination of last three 8 15. 4 Other reasons 8 15. 4 Total 52 100. 0 Table 5 Student Efforts to Seek Assistance for Academic Problems (n = 154) Assistance sought from Frequency Percent Academic Advisor 89 59. 7 Department/Course instructor 44 29. University Center for Success 6 4. 0 SOBE resource Lab 3 2. 0 University Counseling Service 3 2. 0 Career Counseling 2 1. 4 Financial Aid 2 1. 4 Table 6 Student evaluation of Effectiveness of Assistance Sought (n = 149) Item frequency Percent Grade improved 13 8. 7 Enhanced self-confidence 4 2. 7 Remained in major 15 10. 1 Changed major for better 16 10. 7 Two or more of above 60 40. 3No effect 41 27. 5 Table 7 Student Preference for Counseling/Monitoring Services Location (n = 206) Item Frequency Percent Prefer student Counseling at school level Yes 147 71. 3 No 44 21. 4 Indifferent 15 7. 3 Would seek assistance more often if Available at school/college level) Yes 92 44. 7 No 15 7. Not sure 45 21. 8 Indifferent 54 26. 2 Gale Copyright: Copyright 2007 Gale, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. Economic Scene Colleges Are Failing in Graduation Rates Top of Form Bottom of Form †¢ Share By DAVID LEONHARDT Published: September 8, 2009 If you were going to come up with a list of organizations whose failures had done the most damage to the American economy in recent years, you’d probably have to start with the Wall Street firms and regulatory agencies that brought us the financial crisis.From there, you might move on to Wall Street’s fellow bailout recipients in Detroit, the once-Big Three. Multimedia [pic] From the Most Selective Colleges, More Graduates Related The College Dropout Boom Economix: Which Colleges Are Doing Their Job? Reader Responses: Failing Colleges Readers’ Comments Share your thoughts and read responses to readers' comments from David Leonhardt on the Economix blog. †¢ Read All Comments (113)  » But I would suggest that the list should also include a less obvious nominee: public universities.At its top levels, the American system of higher education may be the best in the world. Yet in terms of its core mission — turning teenagers into educated college graduates — much of the system is simply failing. Only 33 percent of the freshmen who enter the University of Massachusetts, Boston, graduate within six years. Less than 41 percent graduate from the University of Montana, and 44 percent from the University of New Mexico. The economist Mark Schneider refers to colleges with such dropout rates as â€Å"failure factories,† and they are the norm.The United States does a good job enrolling teenagers in college, but only half of students who enroll end up with a bachelor’s degree. Among rich countries, only Italy is worse. That’s a big reason inequality has soared, and productivity growth has slowed. Economic growth in this decade was on pace to be slower than in any decade since World War II — even before the financial crisis started. So identifying the causes of the college dropout crisis matters enormously, and a new book tries to do precisely that. It is called â€Å"Crossing the Finish Line,† and its findings are based on the records of about 200,000 students at 68 colleges.The authors were able to get their hands on that data because two of them are pillars of the education establishment: William Bowen (an economist and former Princeton president) and Michael McPherson (an economist and former Macalester College president). For all the book’s alarming statistics, its message is ultimately uplifting — or at least invigorating. Yes, inadequate precollege education is a problem. But high schools still produce many students who have the skills to complete college and yet fail to do so. Turning them into college graduates should be a lot less difficult than fixing all of American education. We could be doing a lot better with college completion just by working on our colleges,† as Robert Shireman, an Education Department official who has read an early version of the book, says. Congress and the Obama administration are now putting together an education bill that tries to deal with the problem. It would cancel about $9 billion in annual government subsidies for banks that lend to college students and use much of the money to in crease financial aid. A small portion of the money would be set aside for promising pilot programs aimed at lifting the number of college graduates. All in all, the bill would help.But it won’t solve the system’s biggest problems — the focus on enrollment rather than completion, the fact that colleges are not held to account for their failures. â€Å"Crossing the Finish Line† makes it clear that we can do better. †¢ The first problem that Mr. Bowen, Mr. McPherson and the book’s third author, Matthew Chingos, a doctoral candidate, diagnose is something they call under-matching. It refers to students who choose not to attend the best college they can get into. They instead go to a less selective one, perhaps one that’s closer to home or, given the torturous financial aid process, less expensive.About half of low-income students with a high school grade-point average of at least 3. 5 and an SAT score of at least 1,200 do not attend the bes t college they could have. Many don’t even apply. Some apply but don’t enroll. â€Å"I was really astonished by the degree to which presumptively well-qualified students from poor families under-matched,† Mr. Bowen told me. They could have been admitted to Michigan’s Ann Arbor campus (graduation rate: 88 percent, according to College Results Online) or Michigan State (74 percent), but they went, say, to Eastern Michigan (39 percent) or Western Michigan (54 percent).If they graduate, it would be hard to get upset about their choice. But large numbers do not. You can see that in the chart with this column. In effect, well-off students — many of whom will graduate no matter where they go — attend the colleges that do the best job of producing graduates. These are the places where many students live on campus (which raises graduation rates) and graduation is the norm. Meanwhile, lower-income students — even when they are better qualified — often go to colleges that excel in producing dropouts. â€Å"It’s really a waste,† Mr. Bowen says, â€Å"and a big problem for the country. As the authors point out, the only way to lift the college graduation rate significantly is to lift it among poor and working-class students. Instead, it appears to have fallen somewhat since the 1970s. What can be done? Money is clearly part of the answer. Tellingly, net tuition has no impact on the graduation rates of high-income students. Yet it does affect low-income students. All else equal, they are less likely to make it through a more expensive state college than a less expensive one, the book shows. Conservatives are wrong to suggest affordability doesn’t matter.But they are right that more money isn’t the whole answer. Higher education today also suffers from a deep cultural problem. Failure has become acceptable. Students see no need to graduate in four years. Doing so, as one told the bookâ€℠¢s authors, is â€Å"like leaving the party at 10:30 p. m. † Graduation delayed often becomes graduation denied. Administrators then make excuses for their graduation rates. And policy makers hand out money based on how many students a college enrolls rather than on what it does with those students. There is a real parallel here to health care.We pay doctors and hospitals for more care instead of better care, and what do we get? More care, even if in many cases it doesn’t make us healthier. In education, the incentives can be truly perverse. Because large lecture classes are cheaper for a college than seminars, freshmen are cheaper than upperclassmen. So a college that allows many of its underclassmen to drop out may be helping its bottom line. If you look closely, you can still find reasons for optimism. A few colleges, like the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, have intensive programs that have raised graduation rates.The State of West Virginia has begun tyin g student aid to academic progress, and graduation rates there have risen. Washington Monthly magazine has published a new college ranking based in part on graduation rates. (Kudos to Penn State, among others. ) When students fill out an online form for federal financial aid, the Obama Education Department now informs them of the graduation rate at any college in which they express interest. But an enormous amount of work remains, and it’s hard to think of any work that’s more important to the American economy.Last year, even in the grip of a recession that has spared no group of workers, the gap between what a college graduate earned and what everyone else earned reached a record. Workers with bachelor’s degrees made 54 percent more on average than those who attended college but didn’t finish, according to the Labor Department. Fifty-four percent — just think about how that adds up over a lifetime. And then think about how many students never cros s the college finish line. E-mail: [email  protected] com Public blames students for their failure at college By Eric Gorski Associated Press Published: Monday, Dec. 3 2010 12:39 a. m. MST | | | | | | | | | | | | |Share | |Twitter |Pinterest | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |0 | |0 |0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [pic] †¢ View 2 photos  » Summary The public pins most of the blame for poor college graduation rates on students and their parents and gives a pass to colleges, government officials and others, a new Associated Press-Stanford University poll shows.Nov. 16, 2011 [pic] The public pins most of the blame for poor college graduation rates on students and their parents and gives a pass to colleges, government officials and others, a new Associated Press-Stanford University poll shows. All sectors of American higher education received high marks for quality. That extends to for-profit colleges, despite recent criticism of dubious recruiting tact ics, high student loan default rates and other problems at some schools. â€Å"As is often the case, the truth lies somewhere in between,† said William A. Sederburg, Utah's Commissioner of Higher Education. We know higher education campuses can really do a lot more to improve retention. †¦ It is also true that a lot of students show up on campus without direction in their lives and without focus on what they want to do. Those are students that are most likely to drop out. † But a belief that students are most at fault for graduation rates may be a troubling sign for reformers who have elevated college completion to the forefront of higher education policy debates and pushed colleges to fix the problem, said Michael Kirst, professor emeritus of education and business administration at Stanford. The message is, ‘Students, you had your shot at college and failed and it's your fault, not the college,'† Kirst said. When asked where the blame lies for graduat ion rates at public four-year colleges, 7 in 10 said students shouldered either a great deal or a lot of it, and 45 percent felt that way about parents. Others got off relatively easy: Anywhere between 25 percent and 32 percent of those polled blamed college administrators, professors, teachers, unions, state education officials and federal education officials. Taking a closer look at the numbers:Republicans are likelier than Democrats to blame federal officials for today's college graduation rates — 34 percent of Republicans and 25 percent of Democrats point at them. There's a small partisan difference on the student blame question: Seventy-seven percent of Republicans and 68 percent of Democrats fault students heavily. Minorities are more prone than whites to blame professors and teachers for college graduation rates, with 40 percent of minorities but just 29 percent of whites doing so. Fifty-seven percent of minorities blame parents for college graduation rates, while just 40 percent of whites do.Sara Goldrick-Rab, assistant professor of educational policy studies and sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, said the results are deeply troubling and mean elite colleges and universities have succeeded in diverting blame from themselves. â€Å"Those supporting the completion agenda need to push back — hard — and emphasize the role colleges play in supporting or undermining student success,† she said. Such a push back may not be necessary in Utah, however, judging from Sederburg's attitude: â€Å"It's clearly not just students' faults. I think we have a significant role to play. After long emphasizing access to college, higher education policy debates have shifted only recently to focusing on getting students through. The Obama administration has called for the United States to again lead the world in number of college graduates by 2020. The goal in Utah is to increase retention rates by 8 percent on average over the next decade, Sederburg said. The Utah System of Higher Education's 2020 Plan for Higher Education, found at www. higheredutah2020. org, contemplates several strategies to increase retention — such as enhancing advising and intervention advising if a student is off track to graduate.Getting students into the right courses is also important. Midterm feedback may give students a chance to correct their trajectory. â€Å"It's a different approach if you are a Salt Lake Community College than if you are at the University of Utah,† said Cameron Martin, the office of the commissioner for higher education's associate commissioner for economic development. Each institution has to look at its strategies to see what works for them. BYU, for example, encourages students to graduate by providing a clear map for each program of study. It also tries to help students understand what the credit limits are to enter each program. If students are in danger of exceeding the appropriate amount o f credits and have yet to declare a major, our University Advisement office will reach out to them to help provide further direction,† said BYU spokesman Todd Hollingshead. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Lumina Foundation and others have directed money and attention to states and colleges to improve completion rates, and several states are taking action. Stan Jones, president of Complete College America, which championed such efforts, disagreed that the poll spells trouble for reform. This will play out like the high school dropout issue,† he said. â€Å"The more it becomes a subject of public discussion the more advances we will make on confronting the college dropout problem. † Just over half of first-time students who entered college in 2003-04 had not earned a degree or credential within six years, the Education Department reported recently. That's slightly worse than students who started in 1995-96. Experts caution it is tricky to measure success and co mpare graduation rates because today's older, less-traditional college tudent population takes more time to finish school and is harder to track. The AP-Stanford poll found most people were happy with the quality of higher education in their states. Despite severe budget cuts and spiraling tuition at many public four-year colleges, those schools received the highest marks: Seventy-four percent in the poll called them excellent or good. But others institutions got strong marks, too: Four-year private nonprofit colleges (71 percent), two-year public colleges (69 percent), private for-profit colleges (66 percent) and private for-profit trade schools (57 percent).That's a rare glimpse at public opinion about for-profit colleges, which have been fighting proposed regulations that would that would cut off federal aid. The poll also found overwhelming agreement that there is a link between the nation's prosperity and the quality of its education system. Overall, 88 percent say economic pro sperity and quality education are closely entwined. Nearly 80 percent said that having all Americans graduate from a two- or four-year college would help the economy.Yet most in the poll are unwilling to invest more in the nation's school systems in order to obtain that economic payoff — just 42 percent favor raising taxes to pay for better education. The poll was conducted September 23-30 by Abt SRBI Inc. It involved interviews on landline and cellular telephones with 1,001 adults nationwide, and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3. 9 percentage points. Stanford University's participation was made possible by a grant from the Gates Foundation. Contributing: Michael De Groote, Deseret News, and Alan Fram of the AP

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Gender of Animals in Spanish

Gender of Animals in Spanish If you think that masculine nouns in Spanish are always used with referring to males and feminine nouns when referring to females, your assumption would be wrong - especially when talking about animals. Like most nouns, the names for nearly all animals are either masculine or feminine. For example, the word for giraffe, jirafa is feminine, and it can be used when referring to any giraffe, whether male or female. Similarly, rinoceronte is masculine, and it can be used to refer to rhinoceroses of either sex. The same is done with people. El humano (human) is masculine even when referring to a woman or girl, and la persona (person) is feminine even when referring to a man or boy. Animals With Sex-Differentiated Names Some animals have different names for each sex. For example, a perro is a male dog, and a perra is a female dog or bitch. The names dont have to be so similar: a cow is una vaca, while a bull is un toro, even though they refer to the same species of animal. As in these examples, it is common, although not universal, for animals with sex-differentiated names in Spanish to have differentiated names in English as well. Some other animals with different names for the sexes are: el lagarto (male lizard), la lagarta (female lizard)el elefante (male elephant), la elefanta (female elephant)el caballo (stallion), la yegua (mare)el carnero (ram), la oveja (sheep)el gallo (rooster), la gallina (hen)el macho (billy goat), la cabra (nanny goat) Generally, the masculine form can be thought of as the default name for the type of species. Thus if you dont know whether a cat is male or female, its fine to refer to it as un gato. But a cat known to be female can be referred to as una gata. Groups of Animals In the case of animals whose names vary with the sex, if you have a group of animals, some female and some male, they should be referred to by the masculine plural: thus los gatos or los perros. But if the name of the animal is invariably feminine, the feminine must still be used: las jirafas (even for a group of males) or las araà ±as (spiders). In a very few cases where each sex has a different name - they include vaca, cabra, and oveja - the feminine form can be pluralized to represent a group. (The same can be true in English, as cattle might informally be referred to as cows even if bulls are part of the mix.) Macho/Hembra If you need to indicate the sex of an animal with a undifferentiated name, you can add the word macho for male or hembra for female: la jirafa hembra, the female giraffela jirafa macho, the male giraffeel dinosaurio macho, the male dinosaurel dinosaurio hembra, the female dinosaur Note that macho and hembra, however, are traditionally considered to be either nouns or invariable adjectives. Thus they do not vary in form with gender or number: las jirafas hembra, the female giraffeslas jirafas macho, the male giraffes Although treating macho and hembra as invariable adjectives is the grammatically safe thing to do, in real life speakers often make them plural. You should stick to the traditional form in formal writing, however. Personal Names When referring to animals with personal names (such as pets), you should use adjectives whose gender matches the given name of the animal when using that name as the subject of a sentence: Pablo, la jirafa ms alta del zoo, est enfermo. (Pablo, the zoos tallest giraffe, is sick.)Su hmster negro se llama Elena. Elena es muy guapa. (His black hamster is named Elena. Elena is very pretty. Note the change in grammar depending on whether the category name or given name is the grammatical subject.) Key Takeaways The category or species names for most animals are either masculine or feminine, and the gender for the animal name is used whether a specific animal in male or female.Some animals have separate names for each sex, such as a cow being una vaca and a bull being un toro.When the subject of a sentence is the personal name of an animal, such a pet, the accompanying adjectives should match the animals sex rather than that of its species name.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Mayans essays

Mayans essays Maya were an American Indian People who developed a magnificent civilization in Central America and south Mexico. The Maya civilization reached its period of development about A.D.250 and continued to flourish for over 600 years. The Maya produced remarkable architecture, painting, pottery, and sculpture. They made great advancements in astronomy and mathematics and developed and accurate yearly calender. They were one of the first peoples in the Western Hemisphere to develop and advanced form of writing. The Maya lived in an area of about 120,000 square miles (311,000 square kilometers). Today, the territory of the Maya is divided among Mexico and several Central American countries. It consists of the Mexican states of Campeche, Yucatan, and Quintana Roo and part of the states of Tabasco and Chiapas. It also includes Belize, most of Quatemala, and parts of El Salvador and of Honduras. The heart of the Maya civilization was in the tropical rain forest of the lowlands of northern Qua temala. Many of the major Maya Cities, such as Piedras Negras, Tikal, and uaxactun, developed in this area. People, Geography and Language The Maya homeland, called Mesoamerica, span fine countries: Mexico, Quatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador. There are now indications that the people we call the Maya had migrated from North America to the highlands of Guatemala perhaps as long ago as 2600 B.C., living an agriculuture village-based life. The cultural of these Preclassic Maya owes much to the earlier civilization of the Olmec, which flourished ca 1200 B.C. By the time Maya civilization had reached its peak the classic period (A.D. 200-900) the Maya were spread across an almost continuous territory of roughly 311,000 square kilometers (120,000 square miles). Comprising three general areas: The tropical rain forest of the lowlands, stretching from northern Honduras, through the Peten region of Guatemala and into Belize and chiapas, which became the heart ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Legality Of Same Sex Marriages! Essays - LGBT History, Free Essays

Legality Of Same Sex Marriages! Essays - LGBT History, Free Essays Legality Of Same Sex Marriages! INTRODUCTION The proposed legalization of same sex marriage is one of the most significant issues in contemporary American family law. Presently, it is one of the most vigorously advocated reforms discussed in law reviews, one of the most provocative issues. It could be one of the most revolutionary policy decisions in the history of American family law. The potential consequences, positive or negative, for children, parents, same-sex couples, families, social, structure public health, and the status of women are enormous. Given the importance of the issue, the value of comprehensive debate may be obvious. Marriage is much more than a commitment to love one another. Aside from societal and religious conventions, marriage entails legally imposed financial responsibility and legally authorized financial benefits. Marriage instantly provides a automatic legal succession of a deceased spouse's property, as well as pension and law, as well as promise in the eyes of the Lord, and their as well as to enjoy its benefits, should the law prohibit their request merely because they are of the same gender? I intend to prove that because of Article IV of the United States Constitution. there is no reason why the federal government nor any state government should restrict marriage to a predefined homosexual relationship? Marriage laws have changed throughout the years. In Western law, wives are now equal rather than subordinate partners; interracial marriage is now widely accepted, both in the statue and in society; and marital failure itself, rather than the fault of one partner, may be grounds in some states for a divorce. Societal changes have been felt in marriages over the past twenty-five years as divorce rates have increased. Proposals to legalize same-sex marriages or to enact broad domestic partnership laws are currently being promoted by gay and lesbian activists, especially in Europe and North America. The trend in western European nations during the past decade has been to some same-sex couples. For example, with in the past six years, three Scandinavian countries have enacted domestic partnership laws allowing same-sex couples in which at least one partner is a citizen of the specified country. Therefore allowing that homosexual marriages are given. In the Netherlands, the Parliament is considered domestic partnership status for same-sex couples, all the major political parties favor recognizing same-sex relations, and more than a dozen towns have already done so. Finland provides governmental social benefits to same-sex partners. Belgium allows gay prisoners the right to have a conjugal visits from same-sex partners. An overwhelming majority of European nations have granted partial legal status to homosexual relationships. In the United States, efforts to legalize same-sex domestic partnership have had some, limited success. The Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. reported that by mid- 1995, thirty-six municipalities, eight countries, three states, five state agencies, and two federal agencies extended some benefits to, or registered for official purposes, same-sex partnerships. In 1994, the California legislature passed a domestic partnership bill that provided official state registration of same-sex couples and provided limited marital rights and privileges relating to hospital visitation, willis and estates, and powers of attorney. While California's Governor Wilson eventually vetoed the bill, its passage by the legislature represented a notable political achievement for advocates of the same-sex marriage have won a major judicial victory that could lead to the judicial legalization of the same-sex marriage or to legislation authorizing same-sex domestic partnership in that state. In 1993, the Hawaii Supreme Court, in Baehr vs. Lewin, vacated a state circuit court judgment dismissing same-sex discrimination under the state constitution's Equal Protection Clause and Equal Rights Amendment. The above case began in 1991 when three same-sex couples who had been denied marriage licenses by the Hawaii Department of Health brought suit in state court against the director of the department. Hawaii law required couples wishing to marry to obtain a marriage license. While the marriage license law did not explicitly prohibit same-sex marriage at the time, it used terms of gender that the Hawaii marriage license law is unconstitutional, as it prohibits same-sex marriage and allows state officials to deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples in account of the heterosexuality requirement. Baehr and her attorney sought their objectives entirely through state law, not only by filing

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Self assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Self assessment - Essay Example As a child I observed numerous events in which a heated discussion boiled down to the ethnicity of the contenders. I was disappointed when I witnessed such incidents since I always had friends belonging to differing ethnicities and cultures. Perhaps the most significant of relationships that I have ever had are those that I have had with my friends. I have always had a tendency to feel comfortable with people regardless of their ethic and cultural backgrounds. As a result, my circle of friends has almost always constituted individuals hailing from a variety of cultures and ethnicities. As a result of my interaction with people belonging to varying cultures and ethnicities at a multiple age, I have learnt to adjust to differing ethnic backgrounds. Another example of this can be found in my personal relationships. I have never restricted myself to any particular race or ethnicity and I have never chosen to judge a person. However, I realize that this approach is my individual approach and others may not be as liberal towards their orientation of different ethnicities as I am. It would not be incorrect to state that this will be most prominent when I acquire a professional position and interact with people .belonging to varying ethnicities on a daily basis. The most meaningful relationships I have had in terms of the multi-cultural context are those that I have had with my teachers. My teachers, regardless of their and my ethnic background, have always chosen to treat me with respect and judge me only on the basis of my academic merit. My teachers never treated me any different than the way they treated my fellow classmates. I was always given a fair chance to participate in the social picture and this fairness always encouraged me to give every opportunity my most sincere commitment. I realize that it will not be easy for me to communicate effectively with the customers I interface with. While the difference in culture will not serve as a barrier

Friday, October 18, 2019

Production of Managerial Knowledge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Production of Managerial Knowledge - Essay Example The said principles are said to be credible wherein the evidence is indeed clear and the findings in research may absolutely been very tough specifically for the researchers as well as practitioners in order to arrive at exact interpretation. The practices that may capitalize the insights of the principle may be suited with the setting wherein the performance indicators in particular, saying that most of the executive directors use all units may be considered to be pertinent. Despite the many challenges, this evidence-based management promises for the attainment of goals in organization that includes the employee's affection including the stockholders and the public in general. With regards to the "Evidence-based" Zeitgeist, the evidence based is defined as the buzzword in the public policy's contemporary that includes the triteness' risk and the status of buzzword as superficially convey. ... The observation of such impact in the two fields may have a high influenced by the so-called decisions in legislative like for instance policing including the secondary education (Bennis, 2004).The policing considered to be evidence-based are telling that the police community may offer the police officers trained for treating in polite way the criminal suspects because of the belief that this may fall to reduction of the repeat offenses. The education considered as evidence-based happening in most schools that are classified as secondary may restore the social promotion's practices, wherein most of the students are facing difficulties to pass their courses after many trials, talking with the next grade level's advancement. The research may indicate the promotional benefit with social promotion benefiting the costs outweigh due to the increasing high school diploma with the likelihood of the subsequent employment and lowering the drug usage of incidence among the students. This eviden ce-based practice is known as the paradigm to make decisions integrating the research that is best available with the decision maker expertise and the preferences in guiding the practice which is toward the results considered to be most desirable. The proponents are said to be skeptical regarding the experience, the wisdom and at the same time the personal credentials which is the basis to assert the works. Like for instance, the medicine is known as the success story with regards to the first domain institutionalizing the practice of the so-called evidence-based. The evidence-based medicine is the individual Assessment: Production of managerial knowledge P 4 integration of such clinical expertise that includes the best evidence from external sources.

Research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Research Paper Example Computers manufactured with the ultimate objective of green conservation are manufactured in a way that reduces the energy used and produced and the emission to the atmosphere (Young 230). As previously mentioned, green cpomputing also refers to the practice of manufacturing computing equipment that will increase the efficiency of the machine. This is done by manufacturing smaller computers that use less energy, has more integration of it parts, uses easily disposable parts and emits less transmission. The central processing units that conform to green computing standards are smaller, faster and more energy efficient that older computers. As already mentioned, the ultimate goal of green computing is energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. The process of green computing benefits the environment in three main ways (Young 234). The first way is that less emissions are made to the environment from the hardware used, which is achieved by using material that do not emit harmful substances. The second benefit to the environment is that the products from green computing can be disposed of safely to the environment. Before the advent of green computing, the waste products from the IT field posed serious detriments t the environment. This is because these products were not biodegradable, and the harm caused to the environment was immeasurable. However, with the advent of green computing comes the third benefit, that of biodegradability and sustainability. The products used to manufacture green computing IT solutions can be disposed of without any worry of harmful emissions or releases to the environment. The running of the computers made in green computing standards also benefits the environment. As already mentioned, the goals of green computing is to make products that emit less to the environment, are energy friendly, and use as little resources as possible (Young 234). The green computing process ensures that the machinery used is safe for the environment , in that it releases minimal emissions to the environment and uses minimal energy. This means that the operation of green computing solutions is beneficial to the environment in its operations. One of the most common terms in the conservation field is the carbon footprint, which refers to the total emissions of greenhouse gases and material that an entity makes during its lifetime (Roorda 31). Greenhouse emissions are hard to measure through the lifetime of an entity, so it is measured by considering the carbon dioxide emitted by an entity, either an individual or company or organization. The greenhouse gas equivalent of an individual is measured to determine the carbon footprint of the entity. The reduction of the carbon print in green computing is aimed at one major factor, which is reducing the carbon footprint to zero in machines that comply with green computing requirements (Roorda 131). This is done by ensuring that the IT equipment used uses as little energy as possible, and emits as little carbon dioxide s possible. This ensures that the ecological benefit of green computing is measurable, as defined by the Kyoto Protocol. In 1992, a program was developed to measure the standards of products

MGT 501 Mod 2 SLP assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MGT 501 Mod 2 SLP assignment - Essay Example This paper aims to project my reflection regarding my own personality traits as interpreted by the conducted test and its impact on overall effectiveness at work and overall career experiences. The Human metrics Jung Typology Test has also been undertaken to evaluate the peculiar traits that would help me in undertaking analysis. Following are the statistics provided as the test result: You have  moderate  preference of Extraversion over Introversion (33%) You have  slight  preference of Intuition over Sensing (12%) You have  marginal or no  preference of Thinking over Feeling (1%) You have  slight  preference of Perceiving over Judging (22%) (HumanMetrics, 2013) As per the results of the test, I found out that I am 33% of extravert, 12% institutive and perceiving is 22%. Also, my thinking capacity in complex decision ordained situations is 1%. As per the results, it is evident that I am a person who likes to socialize with people because they will motivate me the mos t. In other words, I would put more effort in teaming up with other individuals at work so that the end product is achievable by the team as a whole. This accomplishment of the team would furthermore enthrall the motivation level within me. This means that I am more likely to be effective at workplace when I am associated in a group combination. This also proves me as a person who does not want to keep ideas to myself. I am rather an expressive person who can undertake tasks of presentation which is one essential component in management career (Chatfield, 2007). Since I am not judgmental as per the score I have received after the test, it is probable that I can undertake risks and challenges. I believe that it is important to be versatile when it comes to work. In this way, I can learn a lot of things which will play as a motivational point for me. Limiting work is called the limitation that one puts against the better opportunities. Also, the aspect of judging can also be taken in terms of the coworkers I would work with. If a person becomes judgmental about the coworkers then it is more likely that adjustment to the team or group task would become difficult. Perceiving will make my working experience effective because one person is able to perceive people and environment by undergoing facts and in depth peculiarities (Semler, 2001). Another factor that makes my working effective or more likely to help me undergo progress during my career experience is intuiting. I am not among those who would sense things by undertaking an in depth analysis of the data and fixtures. I am more into inclining towards the patterns in which things would work. There are times at work when a person is expected to make decision based upon a precise analysis. In that case, I am sure that I can excel and make rather correct decisions. I rely more on my gut feeling which is advantageous for people who are in financial market (Karsten, 2006). My weakening point which might stop me to p rogress in terms of career is the decision making skills. As per the personality scoring, I have understood that I am more of a person who would think emotionally. I am quiet aware of the fact that practical life needs many decision making check points. One has to be practical rather than being emotional because it does not involve relationship (D'Almeida, 2007). I also believe that workplace is more of a station where you have to compete with others and make sure that even if you are working in a team, you are able to make sure that your commitment to the task leader is

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Multimedia Design and Authoring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Multimedia Design and Authoring - Essay Example f multimedia technologies and designs, the potentials and powerful authoring tools, giving emphasis on the use of Flash and its uses, its creative features, and how will users from various sectors or industries benefit from the software. Multimedia, as described by Vaughan (2001), is a combination of different elements, such as images, text, video, sound, and animation. She further explained that there are creative ways to present information, which include integrating several forms of media such as converting text to graphics or video to sound. Multimedia enables the user to have control as to what or when the delivery of necessary elements graphics and video objects into scenes is. In addition, Li & Drew (2003, 3) expressed that multimedia consist of multiple modalities of texts, images, audio, drawings, etc., and are placed to use in video conferences, cooperative work environments, augmented reality, voice recognition, telemedicine and the like. The previously mentioned modalities may be applied in different multimedia designs such as scripting, graphics, sounds, video, Scripting employs a set of instructions, that a computer can follow and can respond to changing conditions, making decisions, examine information or even wait for a while prior to taking action. Scripts get control of the features of specific software which are purchased, make programs by using inter-application communication, and also give economic solution to certain needs of a business. For example, by simply clicking the button, company logo is inserted in a letter, or can insert an information from a database. Macintosh software, including Microsoft, Aladdin, FileMaker, and Apple itself are major producers in making applications scriptable. Usually, tools needed to make scripting work are already included in the purchased system software (ActiveMac Consulting, 2004). Another popular multimedia design is the graphic design, which adheres to basic principles of color, texture, balance,

Suicide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Suicide - Essay Example A number of suicides are caused by depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and other types of mental illness (Caruso). Various bitter experiences of life result in depression (Caruso). These depressions when unaccompanied by effective treatment give way to suicide cases (Caruso). Many a times people revealing no signs of undergoing negative life experiences are found to commit suicide which may be due to genetic factors (Caruso). Merely one single factor does not generally prompt one to attempt suicide (Caruso). The convergence of various factors together lead to the taking of such a fatal decision (Caruso). Among the umpteenth number of causes leading to suicide, some can be the death of a loved one, a divorce, separation, or breakup of a relationship, losing custody of children, or feeling that a child custody decision is not fair, a serious loss, such as a loss of a job, house, or money, a serious illness, a terminal illness, a serious accident, chronic physical pain, intense emotional pain, loss of hope, being victimized (domestic violence, rape, assault, etc), physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, unresolved abuse (of any kind) from the past, feeling â€Å"trapped† in a situation perceived as negative, feeling that things will never â€Å"get better†, feeling helpless, serious legal problems, such as criminal prosecution or incarceration, feeling â€Å"taken advantage of†, inability to deal with a perceived â€Å"humiliating† situation, inability to deal with a perceived â€Å"failure†, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, a feeling of not being accep ted by family, friends, or society, a horrible disappointment, feeling like one has not lived up to his or her high expectations or those of another, bullying (adults, as well as children, can be bullied), low sel-esteem (Caruso). The alarmingly rising numbers of adolescent-suicides have revealed the various causes of such incidents such as academic, social and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

MGT 501 Mod 2 SLP assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MGT 501 Mod 2 SLP assignment - Essay Example This paper aims to project my reflection regarding my own personality traits as interpreted by the conducted test and its impact on overall effectiveness at work and overall career experiences. The Human metrics Jung Typology Test has also been undertaken to evaluate the peculiar traits that would help me in undertaking analysis. Following are the statistics provided as the test result: You have  moderate  preference of Extraversion over Introversion (33%) You have  slight  preference of Intuition over Sensing (12%) You have  marginal or no  preference of Thinking over Feeling (1%) You have  slight  preference of Perceiving over Judging (22%) (HumanMetrics, 2013) As per the results of the test, I found out that I am 33% of extravert, 12% institutive and perceiving is 22%. Also, my thinking capacity in complex decision ordained situations is 1%. As per the results, it is evident that I am a person who likes to socialize with people because they will motivate me the mos t. In other words, I would put more effort in teaming up with other individuals at work so that the end product is achievable by the team as a whole. This accomplishment of the team would furthermore enthrall the motivation level within me. This means that I am more likely to be effective at workplace when I am associated in a group combination. This also proves me as a person who does not want to keep ideas to myself. I am rather an expressive person who can undertake tasks of presentation which is one essential component in management career (Chatfield, 2007). Since I am not judgmental as per the score I have received after the test, it is probable that I can undertake risks and challenges. I believe that it is important to be versatile when it comes to work. In this way, I can learn a lot of things which will play as a motivational point for me. Limiting work is called the limitation that one puts against the better opportunities. Also, the aspect of judging can also be taken in terms of the coworkers I would work with. If a person becomes judgmental about the coworkers then it is more likely that adjustment to the team or group task would become difficult. Perceiving will make my working experience effective because one person is able to perceive people and environment by undergoing facts and in depth peculiarities (Semler, 2001). Another factor that makes my working effective or more likely to help me undergo progress during my career experience is intuiting. I am not among those who would sense things by undertaking an in depth analysis of the data and fixtures. I am more into inclining towards the patterns in which things would work. There are times at work when a person is expected to make decision based upon a precise analysis. In that case, I am sure that I can excel and make rather correct decisions. I rely more on my gut feeling which is advantageous for people who are in financial market (Karsten, 2006). My weakening point which might stop me to p rogress in terms of career is the decision making skills. As per the personality scoring, I have understood that I am more of a person who would think emotionally. I am quiet aware of the fact that practical life needs many decision making check points. One has to be practical rather than being emotional because it does not involve relationship (D'Almeida, 2007). I also believe that workplace is more of a station where you have to compete with others and make sure that even if you are working in a team, you are able to make sure that your commitment to the task leader is

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Suicide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Suicide - Essay Example A number of suicides are caused by depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and other types of mental illness (Caruso). Various bitter experiences of life result in depression (Caruso). These depressions when unaccompanied by effective treatment give way to suicide cases (Caruso). Many a times people revealing no signs of undergoing negative life experiences are found to commit suicide which may be due to genetic factors (Caruso). Merely one single factor does not generally prompt one to attempt suicide (Caruso). The convergence of various factors together lead to the taking of such a fatal decision (Caruso). Among the umpteenth number of causes leading to suicide, some can be the death of a loved one, a divorce, separation, or breakup of a relationship, losing custody of children, or feeling that a child custody decision is not fair, a serious loss, such as a loss of a job, house, or money, a serious illness, a terminal illness, a serious accident, chronic physical pain, intense emotional pain, loss of hope, being victimized (domestic violence, rape, assault, etc), physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, unresolved abuse (of any kind) from the past, feeling â€Å"trapped† in a situation perceived as negative, feeling that things will never â€Å"get better†, feeling helpless, serious legal problems, such as criminal prosecution or incarceration, feeling â€Å"taken advantage of†, inability to deal with a perceived â€Å"humiliating† situation, inability to deal with a perceived â€Å"failure†, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, a feeling of not being accep ted by family, friends, or society, a horrible disappointment, feeling like one has not lived up to his or her high expectations or those of another, bullying (adults, as well as children, can be bullied), low sel-esteem (Caruso). The alarmingly rising numbers of adolescent-suicides have revealed the various causes of such incidents such as academic, social and

Validating Hesss law Essay Example for Free

Validating Hesss law Essay Is the enthalpy change for a given chemical change the same whether the reaction takes place in a single stage or via several stages, provided the initial and final conditions are the same. Introduction: Hesss Law (1840) states that for a given chemical change the enthalpy change is the same whether the reaction takes place in a single stage or via several stages, provided the initial and final conditions are the same. We will test the validity of this law using the reaction between sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid. The reaction between solid sodium hydroxide and dilute hydrochloric acid can be carried out in two ways. Method 1 NaOH(s) + HCl(aq) NaCl(aq) + H2O(l) ?H?1 Method 2 NaOH(s) NaOH(aq) ?H?2 then NaOH(aq) + HCl(aq) NaCl(aq) + H2O(l) ?H?3 According to Hesss Law ?H?1 = ?H?2 + ?H?3 In calculating the enthalpy of reaction values in each of the above and following cases, it is assumed that: a. The density of the solutions is 1 gcm-3 b. The specific heat capacity of the solutions is 4.2Jg-1K-1 c. The specific heat capacity of the polystyrene cup is negligible and may be ignored. Apparatus: * Polystyrene cup * Thermometer * HCl * NaOH pellets * H2O * Digital weight reader * Measuring cylinder Method: Measurement of ?H?1 Pour 50cm3 of 1M hydrochloric acid into the polystyrene cup and record its temperature as accurately as you possibly can. Weigh out 2g of sodium hydroxide pellets and quickly add these to the acid in your polystyrene cup. Stir and record the maximum temperature reached. Calculate the enthalpy change of this reaction in kJmol-1. Measurement of ?H?2 Pour 50cm3 of water into an empty polystyrene cup and record its temperature as accurately as you possibly can. Weigh out 2g of sodium hydroxide pellets and quickly add these to the water in your polystyrene cup. Stir and record the maximum temperature reached. Calculate the enthalpy change of this process in kJmol-1. Measurement of ?H?3 Pour 50cm3 of 1M sodium hydroxide into an empty polystyrene cup and record its temperature as accurately as you possibly can. Measure out 50cm3 of 1M hydrochloric acid into a measuring cylinder and record its temperature. Calculate the average initial temperature of the acid and the alkali. Add the acid to the alkali in your polystyrene cup and record the maximum temperature reached. Calculate the enthalpy change of this reaction inkJmol-1. Data Collection: Measurement of ?H?1 Measurement of ?H?2 Measurement of ?H?3 Initial Temperature/à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C ? 0.1à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C The enthalpy change ?H?1 is given by multiplying the mass of HCl (m) by its specific heat capacity (Cp) and the change in temperature (?T). Since this reaction takes place in solution, which we assume to be mostly water. Hence the mass of the solution will be 50g and the specific heat capacity is given as 4.2J/g/à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C. The calculation for the mass of the solution is as follows: % Error in ?T = The enthalpy change ?H?2 is given by multiplying the mass of NaOH (m) by its specific heat capacity (Cp) and the change in temperature (?T). Since this reaction takes place in solution, which we assume to be mostly water. Hence the mass of the solution will be 50g and the specific heat capacity is given as 4.2J/g/à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C. The calculation for the mass of the solution is as follows: % Error in ?T = The enthalpy change ?H?3 is given by multiplying the mass of HCl (m) by its specific heat capacity (Cp) and the change in temperature (?T). Since this reaction takes place in solution, which we assume to be mostly water. Hence the mass of the solution will be 100g and the specific heat capacity is given as 4.2J/g/à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C. The calculation for the mass of the solution is as follows: So using the results found above we see that: It can be seen that ?H?1 is almost equal to ?H?2 + ?H?3 but due to experimental errors such as heat being lost to the surroundings and not having exact readings they are not equal. Hesss law has therefore been validated but the results would have been much more accurate if there was an insulating capsule around the polystyrene cup so as to prevent any heat from being lost to the environment and by having more accurate apparatus in terms of measuring cylinders and thermometers.